The University of Surrey – Financial Capability for University Students

The University of Surrey’s Student Services will be taking part and promoting Financial Capability Week for its students.

As a university we are responsible for ensuring that our students have an excellent experience. Part of this is making sure that we guide and support them with all aspects of non-academic student life, as well as equipping them with skills they can use after their studies, one of them being managing money.

Therefore, this week we will be using social media to raise awareness about the financial support available to students at Surrey and also promote the importance of skills such as planning and organisation – skills that everyone utilise in day to day activities. We will do this by communicating a variety of helpful online tools which will assist students with budgeting, saving, working part – time, etc. We have also dedicated particular drop – in sessions for students that may need extra financial support/ clarity on their financial entitlement, i.e. care leavers, carers and mature learners.

Throughout the week we are running our ‘Financial Ca – pie – bility- How do you Slice Your Pie? Competition’. Students will need to fill in a pie chart at the Student Services Centre with what they think should be the correct amount for bills, books, clothes, food, socialising, etc. per month. Students will pin their pie charts on the noticeboard and we will announce the winner this Friday. 

 Outlined below is our schedule:

(Each day we have a dedicated a student related Financial Capability theme for our social media.)    

Monday 14th November

Theme: Premium brands Vs. Supermarket brands

EVENT: Student Life Mentors Money Training Workshop

The workshop will include tips on how mentors can support their mentees with money worries, enabling them to feel more confident to signpost for the correct support. Part of the workshop will involve a Tasting session to determine if you can tell the difference between premium branded and own supermarket branded food.


Tuesday 15th November

Theme: Money tips for Carers and Care leavers

EVENT: Money Drop – in for Carers and Care Leavers


Wednesday 16th November

Theme: Useful everyday money links

EVENT: Financial Capability Week – Facebook Livestream (this liv stream will focus on Smart Shopping, Budgeting and International Money queries)


Thursday 17th November

Theme: Working as a student


Friday 18th November

Theme: Student Money tips for mature learners and information on the Hardship Fund

EVENT: Money Drop – in for Mature Learners, announcement of Competition winner and a video of the Mentors’ Tasting Test


All our information will be tweeted from @SurreyStudent –


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