This edition of the Financial Capability Week Guest Blog comes from Quaker Social Action (QSA) is a small, independent charity working in east London and beyond to tackle poverty. I am talking to a family worker in an east London children’s centre. “I would organise an individual voluntary arrangement or a debt management plan for an […]
Posts in the FinCap Week 2016 category:
Do the math – Let’s make sure we don’t lose adults from the Financial Capability equation
This edition of the Financial Capability week guest blog comes from Paul Foss, Data Analyst at National Numeracy an independent charity helping adults and children across the UK to improve their numeracy. I used to be a teacher. Long hours, low pay. Then I “did the math”. Just the fact that I was doing the […]
University of Bolton – Are you money savvy?
This edition of the Fincap Week guest blog comes from Hoot Credit Union. When it comes to managing your household budget, saving energy, applying for credit or knowing what your credit score means do you know what you are doing? Around four out of ten adults do not know their current account balance to within […]
Financial education – building resilience beyond the classroom
This edition of our guest blog comes from Alison Pask Managing Director, Financial Capability and Community Outreach at The London Institute of Banking & Finance. To submit a blog on financial capability, please contact [email protected]. This week marks the beginning of “Financial Capability Week” across the UK. Hosted by the Money Advice Service (MAS), the […]
The University of Surrey – Financial Capability for University Students
The University of Surrey’s Student Services will be taking part and promoting Financial Capability Week for its students. As a university we are responsible for ensuring that our students have an excellent experience. Part of this is making sure that we guide and support them with all aspects of non-academic student life, as well as […]
Lloyds Banking Group – The need to improve the financial capability of young people
This guest blog comes from Lloyds Banking Group and focusses on how they’re using their revamped Money for Life program to improve the financial capability of younger people. To submit a blog on financial capability, please contact [email protected]. Recent research points to an increasing need to improve the financial capability of the population, but especially that […]
Unbiased – How’s your driving?
This edition our guest blog comes from Unbiased, the UK’s biggest selection of truly independent advisers. The guest blogs during the UK’s first Financial Capability week are to help showcase the great work that numerous organisations are doing to improve the low levels of financial capability across the UK. To submit a blog on financial capability, […]
Financial Health Exchange – Financial capability can help people to optimise their financial health
This edition of the Financial Capability Week guest blog comes from the Financial Health exchange; the organisation works to help policy-makers and practitioners stay up to date on the latest financial health thinking and ensure that financial health good practice is followed in all of their work with clients and service users. To submit a […]
Bristol CAB – Financial capability and council tax
This of our guest blog comes from Citizens Advice Bristol. This is part of a series of guest blogs, during the UK’s first Financial Capability Week to showcase the great work that numerous organisations are doing to improve the low levels of financial capability across the UK To submit a blog on financial capability, please contact [email protected]. Financial […]
PayPlan – Steps to success
This edition of the Financial Capability Week guest blog comes from PayPlan, one of the UK’s largest providers of free debt advice and free debt management plans. Being in debt can feel very isolating but it’s not uncommon. Many of us will face some kind of financial hardship in our lifetime as our individual circumstances […]