Jonathan Hollow, Head of Financial Capability, Strategy and Innovation at the Single Financial Guidance Body reflects on lessons learned at an OECD summit, and the challenges that lie ahead for financial capability globally. In November 2018 the OECD and the Russian Ministry of Finance gathered together representatives from hundreds of countries that are working […]
Posts in the What Works Fund category:
The results are in: how we found out what works
Millions of pounds are spent every year on interventions that aim to help people in the UK better manage their money. Even so, relatively little was known about ‘what works’ to improve financial capability – until now. Roxana Prisacaru from The Money Advice Service What Works team shares their experience of building a body of […]
Improving financial capability: learning from the What Works Fund (Opening speech by CEO Charles Counsell)
Opening speech given at the British Library, Knowledge Centre, 23 October 2018 by The Money Advice Service CEO Charles Counsell. Good morning. It is my pleasure to welcome you to an event which represents the culmination of nearly two years’ work by the Money Advice Service and our partners across the sector – many of […]
What the new findings on What Works in financial capability mean for you
In this guest blog, UK Financial Capability Director Sarah Porretta writes about the findings from over 50 What Works funded projects and what they mean for your organisation. This week we’re celebrating the launch of findings from the What Works Fund. This is an exciting juncture, as for the first time, there is a body […]
Family Fortunes: how we built a money skills programme
As we launch the findings from 65 projects resulting from the What Works Fund, the national director of the Campaign for Learning shares her experience of designing, running and evaluating a financial capability project. A preventative approach to low financial capability in families “Low-income families are under increasing financial pressure, but often don’t seek help until […]
What Works Fund webinar: communicating evidence effectively – 19 March 2018
A blog by Louise Scott, Associate Director at Ecorys UK, part of the What Works Fund Evaluation & Learning Partner (ELP) team. The ELP consists of Ipsos MORI, Ecorys and the University of Bristol’s Personal Finance Research Centre. At a time when many of the grantees have turned their attention to preparing their evaluation reports, […]
Bridging the evidence gap: financial capability and domestic abuse
Dr Olumide Adisa, Research Associate at the University of Suffolk, writes about why the evaluation of a money advice service for survivors of domestic abuse is a crucial step in building an evidence-base for financial capability in the context of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is complex. This complexity becomes more apparent when one examines the […]
What Works Fund Webinar: generating robust evidence – 23 January 2018
A blog by Professor Sharon Collard, Research Director at the University of Bristol’s Personal Finance Research Centre – part of the What Works Fund Evaluation Learning Partner (ELP). The ELP includes Ipsos MORI, Ecorys and the Personal Finance Research Centre. With the main What Works Fund programme coming to the end of its delivery phase, […]
Making DOSH digital
Guest blog by Chris Fitzgerald, Programme Co-ordinator at A2Dominion, a residential property group with 37,000 homes across London and southern England. At A2Dominion, financial capability forms an integral part of our organisation’s tenancy sustainment strategy. We always aim to improve our understanding of the needs of our customers, as well as the services we provide. […]
A second What Works Fund
What Works Programme Lead Michaela Kirsop-Holdford discusses how the second What Works Fund will target the specific gaps in evidence which were not focused on previously. At the Money Advice Service we believe that the right financial capability support can have a positive impact on peoples’ lives and we want to make sure that every penny that […]