FinCap Week is coming and we asked our brilliant Fin Cap Board Members to tell us what financial capability means to them and why they are encouraging organisations to get involved with FinCap Week. Watch the video to hear what they had to say.
Posts with the Fincap Week tag
Why we need to Talk Money
This blog is from Charles Counsell, Chief Executive at the Money Advice Service on why we need to talk money: As a nation, we don’t talk about money, and we certainly don’t talk about money problems. But for millions of people across the UK, money is a serious problem. Earlier this month we released new […]
Lloyds Banking Group – The need to improve the financial capability of young people
This guest blog comes from Lloyds Banking Group and focusses on how they’re using their revamped Money for Life program to improve the financial capability of younger people. To submit a blog on financial capability, please contact [email protected]. Recent research points to an increasing need to improve the financial capability of the population, but especially that […]
Unbiased – How’s your driving?
This edition our guest blog comes from Unbiased, the UK’s biggest selection of truly independent advisers. The guest blogs during the UK’s first Financial Capability week are to help showcase the great work that numerous organisations are doing to improve the low levels of financial capability across the UK. To submit a blog on financial capability, […]
Financial Health Exchange – Financial capability can help people to optimise their financial health
This edition of the Financial Capability Week guest blog comes from the Financial Health exchange; the organisation works to help policy-makers and practitioners stay up to date on the latest financial health thinking and ensure that financial health good practice is followed in all of their work with clients and service users. To submit a […]
Bristol CAB – Financial capability and council tax
This of our guest blog comes from Citizens Advice Bristol. This is part of a series of guest blogs, during the UK’s first Financial Capability Week to showcase the great work that numerous organisations are doing to improve the low levels of financial capability across the UK To submit a blog on financial capability, please contact [email protected]. Financial […]
CSA – One small step consumers can take to avoid unknown debts
This edition of our Financial Capability Week guest blog comes from The Credit Services Association (CSA), the only national association in the UK for companies active in the debt collection and purchase industry. To submit a blog on financial capability, please contact [email protected]. With 40% of adults saying that they are not in control of […]
Nutmeg – Why financial capability matters
This edition of the Financial Capability Week‘s guest blog showcasing the great work that organisations are doing to improve the low levels of financial capability across the UK from Nutmeg, the UK’s first online discretionary investment management company. To submit a blog on financial capability, please contact [email protected]. Financial capability matters more than it […]
PayPlan – Steps to success
This edition of the Financial Capability Week guest blog comes from PayPlan, one of the UK’s largest providers of free debt advice and free debt management plans. Being in debt can feel very isolating but it’s not uncommon. Many of us will face some kind of financial hardship in our lifetime as our individual circumstances […]
Making Money Count – being practical and personal about money …
In the run up to and during the UK’s first Financial Capability Week, taking place between 14 – 20 November, we’ll be publishing a series of guest blogs related to financial capability. These blogs will showcase the great work that numerous organisations are doing to improve the low levels of financial capability across the UK. […]